Saturated Sentience 2070

Post Apocalyptic Concept EP + Visual Package

The Final Major Project at Ravensbourne, I created two songs set in an ambiguous post apocalypse. From the music I pulled out the visuals of a new world.
Key Project Information:          
Date: February - April 2024

Music &
Photography &
Artwork &
Copy Writing &
Design: Robin

Guitar Solo: Alex Leonard

Costume: Lilyth &
         Faye &      

Portrait Photography: Laks  

For: Ravensbourne University London

Tools: Photoshop, InDesign, FL Studio, After Effects, VersaUV LEF2-300 printer, Canon EOS 6D Mk.ii, Samyang 8mm, Canon 17-40mm, AKAI MPK Mini

Song 1: Loss Of Life

Set in the city ruins, an entity finds itself on the run from the authoritarian regime. A chase ensues. The entity shakes the heat but in a moment of respite realises it’s mortally wounded. A sudden, violent eruption of life as the entity fades away.

Song 2: Wayfarer’s Wail

A scavenger wanders the rural wastes of East Yorkshire, hunting supplies and trinkets. Suddenly a shrill noise cries out, calm shattered as the footsteps stop dead in their tracks, a heartbeat thumps slowly, anxiously. Again, the noise is back and the heartbeat quickens, faster, faster until... Nothing, the heartbeat steadies as one foot after the other the journey resumes.

A Wayfarer’s Wistful Wail fills the air as beams of sunlight breach through thick radioactive dust. It’s sound a divine screaching cry.

An emergency broadcast crackles to life warning of a radiaoctive storm inbound,howling, whistling, roaring. Scavenger sprinting through to safety, as the fallout presses on theres a brief moment of respite at the eye of the storm. All too soon it continues it’s relentless battering of the land. Eventually withering, passing onward to new horizons, the atmosphere settles. The footsteps however, continue as the scavenger marches on through the wastes once more.
A scavenger wanders the rural wastes of East Yorkshire, hunting supplies and trinkets. Hiding from potential threats, trekking endlessly into the sunset.

Listen Here:

Zine Booklet from the apocalypse:
Made from Red Onionskin paper.

Artist Portraits - Photography by Laks (@Lxkiya_ )

© Robin Gardner 2024Thank you very much for viewing!